Where is the antidote for this? The warm soup, the midnight drive?
In the rift created the edges of understanding, of black and white, melt together creating grey rivers of doubt.
What do you do when you have hurt someone you dearly love? How do you fix it when you know he will never accept how you feel and you can never accept his choice?
You come to an understanding and hide behind fake smiles and assurances. But deep down you know that things will never be quite the same between you. And thats what cuts the deepest.
You promised to always be there and in his greatest time of need, you tell him that he's on his own.
There's nothing more to say. "I'm sorry" doesn't take away the fact you will never think it's right.
You get the same words of advice from everybody. It doesn't help. Nothing will fix this all the way. You can glue the pieces together but you will always be able to see the cracks.
who knows where we go from here...except to Father.
written by you?
Where is the art from?
Answer both, please.
Written by me in my previous depressed state.
The art...well, I wanted something that expressed my mood. I personally dont have any pictures like that so I just googled "sad pictures" and it came up as one of the first. It fit well, so I posted it.
cool find, in the art dept.
Now, as for the writing. It might not have been intended to be poetry, but it is.
Especially the first few lines:
"Where is the antidote for this? The warm soup, the midnight drive?
In the rift created the edges of understanding, of black and white, melt together creating grey rivers of doubt."
Good modern poetry uses such concrete images and literary devices. I really thought you were quoting a poet at first.
Guess you were: YOURSELF.
We should talk more about poetry. I bet you have a skill you're not too aware of.
Call me. I am wondering if I might know who this is about?
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