Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Last Time?

For those of you who find it amusing to visit this blog and read my posts, this may very well be the last time that I visit this little outlet for the next three months. I apologize for not posting last Tuesday. I was far to absorbed in wasting time that has now caught up to me. So anyway, to the updating.

As you all know I am heading to Rhode Island for the duration of the summer. I am leaving this Thursday and won't be back until Sunday August 24th. The night before classes start. How wonderful.

But really, I am quite excited. But in the words of one of the most obnoxious musical characters in existence (even beating Carlotta from "Phantom of the Opera") in one of the best musicals ever made (Into the Woods) I am "Excited and scared"-red riding hood.

Moving on.

I was coasting down familiar roads today, listening to music and enjoying the feel driving a stick shift (theres nothing like it in the world) when a thought struck me. In a few days I will be making my way down unfamiliar highway and then through the streets of a completely foreign town. For three whole months I will no longer travel the well known tracks of Columbia. It made me a little sad, and a little scared. I know that I will start to know my way around the place. It is, after, a rather small state. But it is the tiniest bit intimidating. A lot of things about this internship are.

It started to hit me last night just how long three months is and how much I am going to need to pack! Three whole months. My entire summer. This is a huge change for me and a completely new experience. If I was going to Arizona, or Utah, or Indiana or somewhere else where people I know live, it would be a little less scary. I will know no one out there. The only contact I have had with my supervisor is a phone call and an e-mail or two. I know that this is a great opportunity and that I am going to learn so much. But I don't think it will sink in until I have spent a few days there.

I really hope that I get to blog there. This a great place for me to go to spill my brain and receive support. But who knows.

I should probably go. I have so much to do. I just wanted to get in a post before I left in case it was my last until I return. So, I may be in touch next week, I may not.

Adios, my fellow bloggers. I bid you a fond and sad farewell, for these may be my final words in the bloggosphere for a time.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's still Tuesday...

So it's posting day. And heres me, posting. But since I had no classes and was spending the whole day trying to figure out how to enroll for some classes and doing stupid FAFSA stuff, I didn't have time to post at my normal hour. For it is the week of weeks...finals week that is. The week that would usually have me ripping my hair out. But this semester, I have only two finals and I get to have note sheets in both classes! So I am not too worried. Um, not much else to tell. Rhode Island time is creeping up on me and I don't feel ready. I'm a little scared. But I am also really excited!!! Anyway, I'm going to try to get to bed so heres the survey going around the little Lambson/Southerland blogosphere.


1.Where is your cell phone? Sleeping

2. Your hair? Growing

3. Work? Leaving

4. Your father? Sleeping

5. Your favorite thing? Storms-ing?

6. Your dream last night? Forgettable

7. Your favorite drink? Refreshing

8. Your dream car? Uninvented

9. The room you're in? Open

10. Your fears? Frightening

11. What do you want to be in 10 years? 31

12. Who did you hang out with last night? Knights

13. What you're not good at? Accepting

14. Muffin? Certainly

15. One of your wish list items? Love

16. Where you grew up? Duplex

17. Last thing you did? Backspace

18. What are you wearing? Underwear

19. What aren't you wearing? Makeup

20. Your pet? Brotherless

21. Your computer? Unobtainable

22. Your life? Moving

23. Your mood? Anxious

24. Missing? Ben

25. What are you thinking about right now? Ben

26. Your car/truck? Alice

27. Your summer? Away

28. Your relationship status? Sad

29. Your favorite color? Violet

30. When is the last time you really laughed with meaning? Thursday

31. Last time you cried? Forgotten

32. School? Ending

33. Least favorite weather? Hot

34. Soup? Tomatoes

35. Movie? CASPIAN!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Really random

It's almost midnight on a Saturday night. Mom just killed this massive spider. I kid you not. It looked just like this.

I was making my bi-yearly visit to my MySpace account and just had this random thought.

My two favorite animals are Bats and Wolves. If I could choose a dream job it would either be spelunking in New Zealand studying bats and cave ecosystems, or living in the outback of Canada (does Canada have an "outback"?) with a family of wolves like that one couple did. Anyway, the point is in all of this recent Twilight hype I just thought it funny that I have the same obsessions as Bella. Just in a different way. And just like in Twilight I would chose wolves over bats. Bella should do the same. Stupid girl.

Ha. Thought that was interesting. Um. Thats all. I need to go to bed. Going to be an early mothers day for me tomorrow.

P.S. I got my new phone yesterday. Love it so far. I have the same number, but I currently do not have a texting plan. So please do not text me unless it is an emergency (until further notice). You may now go back to your lives.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Last Week

Campus is silent at 8:03 in the morning. Only the occasional straggler is seen making their way casually to class. It's the last week of the semester and theres no need to hurry. The sky is cloudy. I feel a tiny drip on my arm and I remember my umbrella where it lies on the seat of my car. The peace is broken by the rhythm of a hammer at the sore of a construction site by the commons. Birds forage in the grass and the trees whisper. Beckoning. Nature is honesty. Truth so complex that it hovers on the verge of simplicity. My favorite T.A. passes me on bike commenting on my lateness with a smile. I make a lame retort as she whizzes off. They day begins peacefully enough. But I know what the future holds. A parade of facts that my mind flutters around, never really alighting on an understanding. Next comes this. The outlet that my crammed brain requires. Following is a post-test with no real point and making up what I missed. Then no real time for anything else before I go serve thankless customers.

The semester is almost over. This means the following for me.

1.Lab final on thursday
2.Plant collection project due on Friday
4.Don't have to go to my first two classes on Wednesday
5.Need to start studying for Finals
6.Rhode Island date is coming closer and closer

speaking of great movies. Here is a teaser for one that I am pretty excited for. But I have to wait until December.

This is my tiny update because I really need to be doing other things right now. Happy Tuesday everyone.

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